Donate Now

Help us, help them! Support Our Seals and Sea Lions Today!

Every donation big or small helps cover the cost of veterinary bills, provide new toys for our animals, and allow us to care for rescued marine mammals. Please consider donating to Ocean Connections!

Care. Connect. Conserve.

Ocean Connections is a 510(c)3 non-profit organization that relies heavily on our supporters to fulfill our mission.  We are dedicated to inspiring public action and conservation awareness for our world's ocean through education.  Ocean Connections is committed to providing exceptional welfare to the animals that call us home as well as giving as many rescued marine mammals as possible a second chance at life.  We just need your help!  You can make a difference by supporting the animal welfare, care, and education reach of Ocean Connections today.


Your Dollars at Work

$25 - Feeds Our Harbor Seals for a Day

$50 - Provides Necessary Vitamins for Our Entire Population for 1 Week

$75 - Sponsors a Conservation Education Program for 1 School

$100 - Provides Necessary Vitamins for Our Entire Population for 2 Weeks

$250 - Feeds 1 Adult Male Sea Lion for a Week

$500 - Provides Annual Veterinary Wellness Exam for 1 Animal

$1,000 - Sponsors 1 Animal Care Team Member to Assist with the Transport of a Rescued Animal

$2,500 - Feeds a Rescued Animal for 100 Days

Hosted By

Ocean Connections
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